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Chinese pump industry investment will be far more than Europe and Africa 


Chinese pump industry investment will be far more than Europe and Africa 

Pump sales around the world will be on the level of $38 billion a year for the first time in 2011.McIlvaine 'sPumps world market report.According to the report, a centrifugal pump will account for 70% of all taxes, diaphragm pump, reciprocating pump, rotary rotor pump will form part of the other.

China pump industry investment will be far more than Europe and Africa
Demand for pump is the most vigorous city reference project, followed by municipal sewage treatment.Refinery third position and power in fourth.China pump industry investment will be far more than Europe and Africa, China pump industry investment will be far more than Europe and Africa

McIlvaine said that in the next few years, in addition to the medical field, Asia will with its wide range of regional demand and at the forefront, these areas including the municipal drinking water treatment and wastewater treatment.In coal-fired electricity section, Asia's cost will be far more than the sum of other continents.China will invest more funds in the field of coal-fired power plants is used to the demand of the pump, the investment will be far beyond Europe and into the sum of the African continent.

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