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2013 China machinery manufacturing export situation analysis


2013 China machinery manufacturing export situation analysis

In the first quarter of 2013, accumulative total data for  import and export of machinery industry is $146.381 billion, fell 2.38% on year-on-year basis;Which exports of $82.108 billion, up 3.95%;Imported 64.272 billion us dollars, fell 9.43% on year-on-year basis. In 2013 year,  first quarter machinery industrial exports 13.38% faster than imports;Total import and export trade surplus of $17.836 billion.Of the 13 industry except  the electrical appliance stores, in all others fields, export is faster than imports of state power. Among provinces throughout the country, exports of 22 provinces and cities are faster than imports.

By the above data can see, in the first quarter of 2013 the overall rise of China's machinery industry exports.Import and export trade surplus of $17.836 billion.

In the first quarter of 2013, accumulative total of Asia import and export of mechanical industry $71.155 billion, accounting for 48.61% of the total amount of import and export of mechanical industry, including: 1 ~ 3 months for the Hong Kong trade import and export maintained good growth, the first three months of accumulative total year-on-year growth of 55.17%, 31.72% and 30.74%, respectively, to keep on growing.For Japanese import and export decline is larger, fell 6% in the past year or so, on the basis of the first two months of the year tired fell 23.85% year-on-year, fell by 23.85%, big decline.Total import and export of machinery industry also significantly lower proportion of the total, down from 1 ~ 17% in March in 2012 to 1 ~ 13.39% in March this year, down 3.61%.

Although our country mechanical industry exports fell in some regions in Asia, but on the whole, our country mechanical industry mainly exported to the Asia market.Investigate its reason, mainly has the following several aspects.First, relative to other countries in Asia, the geographical position, convenient for export.Exports from close range can save a lot of freight cost.Second, Asia since ancient times, is a traditional China's largest export market.Third, many Asian countries are building a large number of infrastructure building, larger demand for machinery industry products.

At the same time, to Africa trade grew rapidly, the first three months of this year the cumulative growth of 31.89%, 46.09% and 34.58% respectively, maintained a good momentum of growth.Back trade import and export to Europe and the first three months of the cumulative growth rate are 3.66%, 7.42% and 8.38% respectively, the total import and export of machinery import and export proportion of the total amount of from 1 to 28.89% in March 2012 dropped to 27.12% of the 1 ~ 3 months of this year, down 1.77%.

China's machinery industry products are exported to Africa, related to China to invest in Africa, particularly in sub-saharan Africa.China's typical non resource investment for sub-saharan Africa is the industrial and commercial bank of China acquired a 20% stake in South Africa's standard bank, worth $5.4 billion.Other signs also shows that Chinese companies are actively looking for sub-saharan Africa growing domestic and regional markets, or make full use of sub-saharan Africa's exports to developed economies preferential trade policies.In addition, by the cheap Labour, large-scale land and the influence of the size of the market, China's foreign direct investment is the largest in Ethiopia in the field of manufacturing.Although European double against China pv enterprises caused great losses, but still have European customers order of photovoltaic products in our country.In the first quarter, $1.78 billion solar photovoltaic products exported to Europe, fell 37.1%.Which accounted for 25.7%, exports to the eu in 2012 dropped by 20.4%.Although exports decline in Europe a lot, the number of photovoltaic products export to Europe still accounts for a share.The exports to the European data also confirmed this fact.
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