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Diesel generator start "ten taboo"


                            Diesel generator start "ten taboo"

1.  Avoid without cooling water or add boiling water after start engine start, then add cooling water.

Otherwise, it can make cracking or deformation of hot cylinder liner, cylinder case and other important

components caused by the sudden cold encounter. If add plus 100 ℃ hot water into the cold body, it also can

shock crack cylinder head and the body.The right way is to wait until the temperature dropped to 60 ~ 70 ℃

then join again.
2. Avoid to add oil wrong. It is wrong to supply oil for diesel engine at the status that the diesel has already

started and the reduced pressure control handle is on the "working" location. The right operation is to put

the throttle control handle to the location of oil supply before diesel engine start. Otherwise, wast fuel oil,

redundant diesel oil will scour the cylinder wall,make the deterioration of lubrication between the piston,

piston ring and cylinder liner and aggravate the wear,
That residual oil gets into the oil pan will be diluted oil and lower lubrication effect; Incomplete combustion

of diesel due to too much fuel oil  in the cylinder will form carbon deposition.

3. Avoid cart start. Diesel engine cart start under the condition of the cold engine and fuel oil for sticky, will

exacerbate wear and tear between eachmoving parts , thus reduce the service life of the diesel engine.        

4 Avoid to change lubrication oil and fuel oil not on schedule. In the cold weather, if not timely change 

lubricating oil and fuel oil with low viscosity, diesel engine is hard to start.
5.Avoid to outbreak of fire caused by baking oil pan by burning fire or draw fire start in intake-pipe. It

should be soft fire or coal fire fire in a certain distance to bake the engine oil pan and  slowly shake shaft oil

at the same time, let the engine oil evenly heat, make each part  lubrication. If making a fire to start the

engine on the diesel engine intake pipe, it can make the ash of material burning and hard sundries sucked

into the cylinder in result of speeding up the wear of cylinder due to closed lax of intake and exhaust door .
6. Avoid to use electro-thermal plug for a long time. Flame preheater electro-thermal plug and the flame

preheater of the heating element are heating wire. Their power consumption and heat output are very big, 

a long time usage can damage battery because of rapid discharge, at the same time also can burn out

heating wire.Electric plug, therefore, should not use more than 1 minute of continuous usage each time;  the

continuous usage time of the flame preheater must control within 20 seconds each time.

7.Avoid to add engine oil to cylinder directly. Although adding engine oil to cylinder can have the effect of

sealing pressure and temperature raising in advantageous for the diesel engine cold start, but if the engine

oil can not complete combustion, easy to make carbon, lessened the flexibility of piston ring and cylinder

sealing performance. In addition, it will also accelerate the wear of cylinder liner, resulting in a decline in

the power of the diesel engine, make it more difficult to start, so it is not good to add oil into cylinder

8. Avoid to pump gasoline into inlet pipe. The burning point of gasoline is lower than diesel fuel oil and , and
gasoline was lower than diesel', before diesel fuel oil 's combustion.So it willmake the engine work rough

and produces strong knocking phenomenon, sometimes serious to make engine inversion if injected gasoline

directly into the intake pipe, .
9.Avoid to start the diesel engien continuously for a long time.  The engine of diesel works under the

condition of the low voltage, high current. Long time woking will damage the battery.The continuous

working time shall not be more than 5 seconds; Once fails to start, it should start again in next 15 seconds.
10. Avoid to high-speed running when the engine just start. The temperature of the lubricating oil is low and

the liquidity is poor when diesel engine is just starting, if high-speed operation immediately it will be easy to

cause the movement parts sharply weared due to lack of lubrication,seriously caused shaft burning.

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