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Import and export situation analysis of Chinese recent engineering machinery


Import and export situation analysis of Chinese recent engineering machinery

In 2014 year, the global economic recession, the financial storm's environment, and the implementation of the macroeconomic regulation and control policy in our country, cause the resources-type commodity and labor-intensive goods exports fell, but the continuity and long-term national infrastructure construction, so it is mainly used for infrastructure construction of the project and the demand of the hoisting machinery limited impact in the near future.

At the same time, due to the global face increasingly scarce non-renewable resources and food security strategic position attention economy environment, engineering and hoisting machinery in the development of mineral resources and the development of food industry will have a place in the economic activities, thus have a greater demand for its space engineering and hoisting machinery import and export in our country is facing rare opportunities for development, import and export trade witnessed a rapid increase.

A, engineering and hoisting machinery import and export features

1. The fifth year in a row, engineering and hoisting machinery export growth is higher than that of mechanical and electrical products export growth.Although engineering and hoisting machinery import and export trade in China accounted for the proportion of mechanical and electrical products import and export trade in our country is low, about 2%, but engineering and hoisting machinery import and export is given priority to with general trade, processing trade proportion is low;The majority of export products with independent brands and price competitive advantage;By the national policy support, so the engineering and agricultural machinery is the basis of export growth and potential.

2. Engineering and hoisting machinery in the trade surplus for the fourth straight year.Engineering and hoisting machinery import and export trade are deficit by 2004, in 2005 began to implement the trade surplus, and the trade surplus increased year by year.Engineering and hoisting machinery products popularity gradually increase, the international market share increase year by year is a major factor in the production of trade surplus.Products of enterprises with foreign investment and enterprise innovation products replace imported trade deficit to surplus in recent years is another important factor.

3. Engineering and hoisting machinery manufacturers for global purchasing parts.Fittings industry in China is still unable to meet the needs of the machine manufacturers, especially in the core parts such as engine, hydraulic system.As a result, some enterprises with financial strength to realize their original supply chain, actively with the international cooperation between top suppliers use global sourcing to realize the quality of the whole machine, take international market share.Engineering and hoisting machinery parts exports, meanwhile, also is more, show the spare parts into the trend of the international manufacturing system.

4. Engineering and hoisting machinery surge in exports to emerging markets.At the time of the world economy is not stable, developing countries the situation is good, the Chinese engineering and hoisting machinery products is relatively low class and high cost performance, a good market in developing countries, reflected in the commonwealth of independent states (cis) countries such as China to Russia, Africa, and the association of south-east Asian nations (asean) developing regions such as exports is still a high growth momentum.

5. Engineering and hoisting machinery import and export agency system still needs to be advocated.Engineering and hoisting machinery has a group of strong foundation, technological innovation ability of the main export.These enterprises with independent brand products, with international vision of leadership, and particularly to combat international marketing talent, after recent years of development, has gradually revealed in the international market.Export enterprises scattered state nots allow to ignore, however, most of the business is not stable, inefficient and unable to carry out after-sales service business.A handful of export enterprises take the ACTS of unfair competition in the international market has bad effects on "made in China" products.Due to engineering and hoisting machinery import and export in urgent need to establish and perfect after-sales service system, and in the use process involving personal safety factors, suggest that more barriers to entry to import and export enterprises.

Second, the risk of construction machinery industry is facing

Since 2005, China construction machinery industry will enter the international market as an important strategy.Led by two markets both at home and abroad, in 2007 China engineering machinery production and sales reached 222.3 billion yuan, imported 4.94 billion us dollars, exports of $8.7 billion, annual sales total scale (domestic sales - exports plus imports) to $30.4 billion, exports accounted for about 28.6% of the total output of China construction machinery sales.At present, the domestic construction machinery market total dimensions and total scale has important position in the world.Since the 2007-2008, new changes appear in the domestic and international economic environment, China's construction machinery industry how to respond to once again become a important topic.

China construction machinery industry risk, is a enterprise cost under the pull of the multiple factors continue to increase, the cost increase stacking effect and increase effect quickly, engineering machinery product cost by 30% ~ 60%, enterprise risk management, engineering machinery net profit fell 10% ~ 20%;Second, because of the appreciation of the renminbi, export enterprises to improve business, international competitiveness;Three is the enterprise the lack of a clear judgment to the change of the current international economic environment, some enterprises to enter international market plans put on hold.

During the period of "11th five-year plan" is an important transition period of China construction machinery industry, from domestic to international growth from growth to their core capabilities, from product to brand transformation, the development of Chinese engineering machinery industry strategic goal is to realize the transformation from the manufacturer to the manufacturing power.

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