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Silencing equipments of generating set


  Silencing equipments of generating set


When a generator set running speed at 1500 RPM,  it will produce 105 decibels of noise in a metres from the unit.

In order to avoid the noise coming from machine room, silencing equipments should include the following several parts:


I, Silencing from the inlet and exit of machine room:
It has more than one entry for each room at least, in order to silence the noise from doors closing or openning, the doors of room should not set too much, usually set a bigger door, a smaller door, as far as possible, not more than 3 m2, using metal framework in structure, internal attached high intensity sound insulation material, external for the metal plate, mute door works closely with door frame and doors up and down.


II, Silencing from a diesel engine intake system:
When a diesel engine works, it must have adequate intake to maintain the normal operation of the unit, generally the air intake system should be set in the opposite of outlet fan, based on our experiences, air intake system adopts the forced ventilation way, then the wind through the mute wind trough is pumped into machine room by the air blower .


III,Silencing from a diesel engine exhaust system:
When a diesel engine adopts a radiator cooling fan system, the heat from tank radiator must be discharged to outside of the machine room, in order to avoid the noise come out of outside of machine room, an exhaust system must be set an exhaust wind trough.

IV, Silencing from a diesel engine exhaust system outside the machine room :
The noise from the diesel engine exhaust outside the machine room is still very big even making silence treatment through an exhaust wind trough.
So the noise of exhaust must silenced by a mute wind trough outside the machine room so that to keep noice to a minimum.The external of the exhaust wind trough is brick wall structure, internal is sound-absorbing board.


V, Noise elimination system of a diesel engine exhaust:

Exhaust emissions from diesel engine working make some noise. We can set a silencing box in the exhaust emission system of the diesel set, and exhaust silencer pipe is binded by fireproofing rock wool materials, thus it will both reduce the heat dissipation to the machine room from the diesel set, and it will reduce the  working vibration from the unit, so as to achieve the purpose of the attenuation of noise.


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