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AY hot oil pump

Update: 2019/4/11??????View:
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Cold hot oil pump, AY,end suction

AY Oil Pump

The technical parameter of type AY pump:
Capacity: Q:6.25~500m3/h
Head: H:60-300mm

The series centrifugal oil pump of type AY may be used in petroleum refining, petroleum chemical industry, etc. The pumps are suitable for pumping oil without solid particles or liquefied petroleum gas.

requirements. The pump uses rolling bearings which get lubricated with dilute oil.

The direction of rotation
The rotation of the pump rotor is clockwise looking from the motor to the pump.
The material of main parts of the pump
The medium-contacting parts are made of alloy stainless steel, material No. ZG1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti, etc.

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