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water supply booster syster

Update: 2014/2/26??????View:
  • Brand: ???PDM
  • Type: ???SSP
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Water supply booster syster, it will use of vertical stainless steel pump sets.


TYPE D(D. DG. DY. DM. DF) pump belongs to single-suction, multi-stage segmental centrifugal pump.
Parameter ranges:
Capacity Q: 6~540m2/h
Head H: 33~1056m


The axial force gets balanced with the help of balance disc, Concerning lubrication system diluted oil is used for sliding bearing kind of TYPE 85-67\155-67\45-80\85-80\150-100 and grease for rolling bearing kind of all other pumps.
The pump rotates clockwise viewed from original drive and.
Pump is supplied together with motor and base of common or its own.
Type D serial pump can be divided to:
D: Used to deliver clear water without solid particle es used to miner with the temperature range from 0C~80CThe inlet is horizontal direction.
DM: Used to deliver liquid with less solid particles or miner with the temperature range from 0C~+80C. The inlet is horizontal direction.
DG: Used to deliver clear water without solid particles or liquid similar to clear water physically and chemically with the temperature range form -20C~+150C. The inlet is perpendicularly direction.
DY: Used to deliver oil products without solid or liquid similar to water with the temperature range from-20C~+400C. The inlet is horizontal direction.
DF: Used to deliver corrosive liquid without solid with the temperature range from -20C~+150C. The inlet is horizontal direction.

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