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Multistage fire fighting pump with NFPA standard

Update: 2014/3/13??????View:
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Multistage fire fighting pump set with NFPA standard


TYPE D(D. DG. DY. DM. DF) pump belongs to single-suction, multi-stage segmental centrifugal pump.

Parameter ranges:

Capacity Q: 6~540m2/h

Head H: 33~1056m



fire fighting pump is in full compliance with NFPA standards.
1.1 Shut off head is less than 1.4 times of the designed head.
1.2 When the capacity is 1.5 times of designed capacity, the head will be higher than 65% of the designed head.
1.3 Each pump will be made the hydraulic test before delivery in the case of the test pressure is for 1.5 times of inlet pressure plus working pressure.
1.4 Maximum test pressure can be achieved 5Mpa to meet some specific applications.


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