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Pipe pump

Update: 2014/2/28??????View:
  • Brand: ???PDM
  • Type: ???GW
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Pipe pump


GW submersible centrifugal non-clogged pipe pump is a newly developed pump, based on the combination of the advanced technology from abroad and domestic features, which is good at energy-saving, anti-winding, no-clog, automatic installation and automatic control. This pump is excellent in transporting water with solid-particles and long fiber contained.

Rated Speed:980—2900r/min
System pressure:≤0.6MPa
Medium temperature:-15°C--+60°C
Medium consistency:≤1.3 x 103kg/m3
Medium PH Scope:5--9

This pump has introduced special impeller structure and neo mechanical seals, to make it more efficient in delivering solid particles and long fiber contained water. Compared with traditional impeller, the new impeller, with spiral-flow type or double-leaf type that has an excellent delivery capacity, together with suitable volute, can improve the performance of the pump, running smoothly without any vibration.

1.The impeller adopts particular large channel structure, SO the drain capacity has been improved greatly. It can effectively pass the solid grain whose diameter is about 50%of the pump caliber.

2.The balanced rotor part and the proper bearing arrangement have effectively balanced the redial and axial load of pump, so it ensures the unit to run long and steadily with little vibration and low noise.

3.This type pump can adopt different installation forms according to the consumer’s requirements: single-pipe or double-pipe.

4.Mechanical seal adopts the latest material and is made with extra care. So its life is over 8000 hours.

5.The pump can be equipped with liquid-level automatic control cabinet according to the consumer’s requirements.

The whole machine can be started and stopped automatically according to the changes of level.It doesn’t need a special person to guard, so the application is quite convenient and it is easy to realize automatic management.


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