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Multistage split case oil pump API610 satandard

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Mutistage split case oil pump API610 satandard



For oil pump, we have cooperated with oil comnpany in Iran such as nioc, niscoc, Sinopec, Oil well, ELF, Cheuron, etc. 80% oil pumps we made are exported into all of the world. Every year, we take part in Dubai fair. Our pump is very welcome in Middle-east and America.

Oilfields and Terminals
Crude oil and oil product pipeline
Water pipelines
Fluid injection


Oilfields and Terminals
Crude oil and oil product pipeline
Water pipelines
Fluid injection
High pressure services

Sea water

Performance Range

Capacity: Q up to 6000 m3/h
Up to 26400 gpm
Head: H up to 1200 m
Up to 3600 feet
Temperature: T up to 200
Up to 380
Speed: N 2900/1450/980rpm


Horizontal axially split casing, double volute multistage design. Impellers arranged in opposed groups, KSY is a double suction two stage pump for bigger capacity. KDY is a multistage single suction impeller pump for higher head, first stage double suction impeller design for low NPSH required. Removable wear rings protect the casing and impeller. The impellers are statically and dynamically balanced. The pump comply with the API 610 specification latest edition in all technical details. Special antifriction bearings on both sides or sleeve bearings with ring or forced-feed lubrication (axial bearing as segmental thrust bearing ).

Standard material

According to API 610 Eighth Edition, August, 1995.


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